
The Michigan QSO Party is an opportunity for amateur radio operators around the world to celebrate the great state of Michigan.

If you are a ham we invite you to use the links to the left and explore this site. You’ll find the rules, past scores, planned operations for this year’s event, scoring records and more.

If you’re not a ‘ham’ and this sounds like a foreign language to you, please visit the American Radio Relay League web site. The ARRL site has resources that explain amateur radio and how you can become licensed and join in the fun.

If you’d like to contact the MiQP Committee privately, please email Info@MiQP.org.

If you’d like to be part of the MiQP online community, join us on groups.io at https://groups.io/g/MIQP. Use the “Apply for membership” button or the “Login” button if you’re already a member of the group.

Downloadable Michigan County Map
Downloadable County Maps, pick a state

This site has been setup to adapt to different devices from smart phones to tablets to computers.  The site was also setup to efficiently convey the important information. We hope you enjoy the site.